Friday 11 March 2016

Saturday 12/3/2016 - 6 Blokes Landing to Morgan

359km - 319km

A glorious sunrise as we pack up camp and get ready for the run into Morgan.  The day is humid again and the temperature on the water quickly heats up. 

We pass more great cliff scenery as we paddle to Cadell. Cadell is situated back from the river so we did not see much. It is a long weekend so there are many more campers on the banks and activity on the river. 

Between Cadell and Morgan it is full of speed boats and jet skis which is making the paddling hard with all the waves. Just before Morgan we turn a left hand corner which is known as "The Great Corner" or "The Northwest Corner" and this starts our journey south to the sea. 

Morgan is surprisingly busy and there are people and boats everywhere. These towns are so close to Adelaide that the caravan parks are booked out every weekend. We are staying at a caravan park on the banks of the river. What a great feeling a shower is and what a pity that people don't recognise that we go to bed at sunset. 

Morgan is a great old town, built to swap cargo between rail and paddle steamer. There are many stone buildings and you can still see many of the relics from the days gone by.  We had a good meal at the hotel, hope it gives me more energy tomorrow than I had today. 😔


Another of those cliff lined reaches

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