Saturday 19 March 2016

Saturday 19/3/2016 - Wellington to Clayton Bay

76km - 25km

Today is the day that we cross lake Alexandrina.  When you talk to boat people about paddling the Murray this topic always comes up, "how are you going to cross the lake". With the help of Peter and Denis we decide that we will go to Pomanda island for a break and then cross the lake to Point Sturt (24km) for lunch and then on to Clayton Bay. 

We wanted an early start to beat the wind so we are up st 5am to pack up and get on the water 6:30am. Light is just appearing on the horizon and the wildlife is waking up. We paddle through Pelicans getting an earl feed and past three trees full of Corellas. Before long we are in the top end of the lake heading toward the island. Thomo and EJ decide to stop for a piddle but did not notice the duck shooters in their hide. They gave them a full frontal. 

A quick stop at the island before heading out into the lake proper. I have never paddled in open water before and thought of paddling into the water filled horizon was daughting. 

All is going well and the water has been quite good, however with 7km to go the wind picks up quickly and the lake turns on the rough waves in an instant. What should have been an easy 7km paddle turned into a 2 hour ordeal. At times I wonder if we are making progress. Eventually we reach Point Sturt for a dry out and lunch. EJ is not feeling well and suspects sea sickness. We were all excited to have made it across the lake. 

Over lunch the sun comes out and waves ease off. A good afternoon paddle is ahead. Just as we return to our boats and turn the corner another rain squall hits and again the lake turns on the waves. This continues for an hour before things settle again. 

We have been lucky to have had Peter and Denis in their yacht as riding behind them helped to smooth the water and their navigation was appreciated. 

It is close to 5pm when we get to Clayton Bay and find a caravan park to book into. We are cold, tired, and hungry. How good does a hot shower feel?  Today has been the second longest day of the trip, and definitely the hardest.  That is saying something as I thought yesterday was hard. 

We have a great dinner at the local cafe before heading to bed. We all feel like we are still in the boat with our heads swaying in the waves, I hope that goes away with sleep. 

A cracking morning to start the day

Heading out into the lake

Looking back to where we came from at Point Sturt

EJ was a bit hungry at dinner. 


  1. Well done on your Lake crossing. It can be beautiful but can also be a shitty bit of water. Sounds like you saw both. Cheers Brad
