Friday 5 February 2016

Friday 5/2/2016 - Yarrawonga to Dead River Bend

1987km - 1908km

An early rise to enjoy a hot shower before we leave. My muscles are sore from the great Chinese massage that Tinky put me on too. Tony also lined up for one. A quick breakfast and pack up and then a walk with the boats on their wheels down to the bottom of the lake wall.  The starting point of the Murray Marathon. We all remanis as we set off. EJ gets the record for the most. 

It feels like a hot day brewing so we are all conscious of protecting ourselves and we try to paddles in the shade of the trees before the sun gets to high. There is still a lot of people camping on the banks so we get to say hi to many of them on our way past. Most of them are retirees out enjoying life. We pass some cracking camp spots. 

The birds are again out in force and EJ is able to identify most of them. We stop for lunch between checkpoint Alpha and Betta (for those of you who know the Murray Marathon). Each hour we are stopping for stretch breaks and a swim to keep cool. 

The signs of civilisation are increasing so we must be approaching Cobram. We pass a small paddle steamer on a tourist run before passing under the new bridge and the magestic old bridge. We round the corner to see Thomson's beach. We are all glad to be hear as it has been a long day. We had great pleasure to sit in the cafe to enjoy some cold drinks, hot chips and ice creams (only the healthy options). 

Back on the river we look for a camp spot as it is getting late in the day. We pass another small paddle steamer.  Now the weekend has started the camp spots are filling quickly and we choose a place on Dead River Bend. Tony managed to score a beer from a camp we passed on the river and started to drink it as we arrived. As he tilted his head back he noticed a big jowl in the tree where we are camping. He was just hanging there sleeping. Tony thought he was dead. 

We set up our tents and some young guys arrive in a tinny with some more beers and joined us for a chat before dinner. 

Tinky throws the line in and heads off to get Sarg to give him a massage. Whilst this is happening a fish strikes and EJ grabs the line to pull in a small Murray Cod. I guess Tinky still has not caught a fish. 

As the sun set we are hit by mosquitos.  I killed 10 on my feet with two hits so it is time for bed and writing off the blog inside the tent. 

I think these blogs are getting longer. Sorry about that. 

The high banks which are the symbol of this part of the river

EJ's fish

Sunset sitting in front of my tent

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